Machine Safety
CINCINNATI designs its equipment to comply with OSHA/ANSI safety standards for machine construction. The Company also emphasizes safe practices in the instruction which is given to machine operators and maintenance personnel. CINCINNATI publishes a variety of safety-related manuals and pamphlets which are available in reasonable quantities free of charge. Finally, the Company regularly advises owners of our equipment when new safety equipment is available or when design modifications are recommended provided, of course, that we have the owner's name on file.
If you have purchased a piece of CINCINNATI equipment from a dealer of used machinery, your name might not be in our customer files. In such instances, we suggest you call or write the Product Safety Department, giving the serial number of your machine. We will respond with up-to-date safety advice.
In this section, you will find important information concerning the installation of your machine.
Order safety signs for your machine by calling (513) 367-7325
To maximize your machine uptime, CI offers the following comprehensive support levels and tools based on your needs and budget.
When you contact us for service, support, or parts, you will need to have your CINCINNATI serial number available so we can better assist you. If you do not know how to find your serial number, the below outline may help you.
We offer a wide range of different hands-on training classes, online courses, and video demonstrations.